
Terms and Conditions

This website is the property of Teliani Agro LLC.

Dear customer! Please read the terms of use of the website carefully.


When using the website, you:

You confirm that you are an adult, capable person to receive services through the website and to dispose of the corresponding funds;
You will comply with the terms of use of the website provided for in the agreement;
provide the information requested by us completely and accurately in order to use our services;
You will protect copyright and intellectual rights, you will not copy or distribute all or any part of the information on the website in any form and for any purpose;
You will strictly protect the security and privacy of your personal account, you will not disclose your page security accounts to any third party, in order to protect the assets and information in your personal account;
You confirm that you own or possess all the necessary rights, permissions to use and permit telaniagro.com to use any information you provide to it in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Information Protection Policy ( which you can see on the website);
You will not use the information on the website to obtain personal identification information and to achieve commercial purposes, including account names, e-mail addresses or other similar information;
You will not take any action aimed at obtaining the personal and confidential information of another user, including account security codes, and disposing of another user's personal assets;
You will not impersonate another user or use another user's personal data and page;
You will not take any action that endangers the proper functioning of the website or service.
You will not engage in any illegal activity or advertise through our website or services;
You will not use the Website or the Service to create unsolicited spam or electronic mail advertising;
You will not carry out any action that is prohibited by law, this agreement and the rules established for receiving services through similar websites;
By making a payment, you agree to pay for the specific product listed on the Site. As soon as you confirm the payment and choose the desired form of payment, the corresponding amount will be blocked on the bank card or virtual balance. If, due to some error (for example, a technical error on the part of the operator), the service will not be delivered on time, our system will contact the provider or the partner bank (through which the payment was made) and send a request to unblock the amount in the user's bank account. / on the return, (in the event that the payment was made from a card account). We cannot be responsible for the speed of the refund process. We undertake to be involved in the suppression of the process to the maximum extent possible. Funds deposited on your instructions and at your request for the purchase of the products selected by you are not subject to return if the supplier of the product refuses to cancel a successful payment.
Access to our services through the website is available in Georgia. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to disable or otherwise limit access to our Services.
Information on the website may be changed or removed without prior notice. You will not receive from us the services that, in our opinion, violate the law. Additionally, you are prohibited from making any unauthorized use of our systems or this website, including without limitation unauthorized access to our systems, misuse of passwords, or misuse of any information posted on the website. You agree that we have the right to disclose and transfer the information you provide on the Website: 1. to any person affiliated with us and their authorized representatives 2. to any other person or organization with your consent; and 3. in the presence of the right or obligation to provide information to the relevant person or body in the case provided for by law. Your use of this website or submission of information to it constitutes your consent to such transfer of information.
We are not responsible or liable to give any kind of warranty or condition in relation to this website; on inconsistencies between the website and the user's files or the navigation used by the user on the Internet  program (browser) or other program accessing the site and other problems that the user may encounter due to conditions beyond our control.
Unauthorized publication, copying, transmission or storage of the contents of this website in whole or in part is prohibited. The prohibition does not apply to computer storage or printing for personal use only. In the case of quoting, it is necessary to observe the copyright established by law. The trademarks and logos on the website may not be reproduced, published or distributed without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.
The delay in accessing the website may be caused by: equipment failure, including, but not limited to, computers, servers, networks, telecommunications lines and communications, other electronic and mechanical equipment; by running programs; with system overload; by total or partial disruption of electricity or other utility services; damage caused by natural events, inclement weather, accident, war, riot, riot, act of terrorism, civil commotion, total or partial strike or other disruption of the labor process; restrictions imposed by government or law, court orders or other human intervention; or for any other reason (whether or not similar to those listed above) that is beyond our control.
Please note that if access to the website is unavailable, interrupted or restricted or if the website is not working quickly and smoothly, there is a high probability that you will not be able to receive the service and the payment will be completed successfully. In order to avoid misunderstandings, you are obliged to refrain from using the website/receiving services. In the event that, despite the above-mentioned circumstances, you continue to use the website, you are responsible for the resulting consequences and risk.

Our website may contain links that allow you to connect to other websites. Please note that the above does not in any way imply: a recommendation to visit other websites; Confirming the authenticity, quality or reliability of other websites or the products, services, opinions, ideas or information offered through them. Also, we do not warrant that this site or its content is free from claims that may be related to copyright, trademark or other violations of the rights of third parties. WE ALSO DO NOT WARRANT THAT SUCH SITE OR ITS CONTENTS ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. Please note that other websites may have different security policies or other security practices than our website, so it is important that you familiarize yourself with the policies of those other websites before sharing your personal information.

This Privacy Policy covers information security issues related to the telaniagro.com website (the "Website" located at the following web address: www.telaniagro.com). We aim to protect your information online. Please review this Privacy Policy to understand what information we collect from you (the user) and how we use it. For additional questions regarding the information protection policy, you can write to us by e-mail at info@telaniagro.com

We collect two types of information about our users: personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information.

Personally identifiable information is information that identifies a specific user. We may ask you to provide certain information about yourself (such as your first name, last name, email address, and date of birth) when you engage in an activity through our website, such as opening an account, with us or our partners. Purchase of products. When paying for a product, we may also ask you to provide your card number, expiration date, authentication code, or other relevant information. This last one is not stored on our website, because the payment is made from the secure page of our partner bank. As a result, we will not have access to your card information.

Non-personally identifiable information is information that does not identify a specific user. This type of information may include the type of browser you are using and your Internet Protocol "IP" address. We and/or our authorized third-party service providers and advertisers may automatically receive this information when you are on our website.

Please note that we may collect or provide non-personally identifiable information. 

Share information with our partners. All of the above is intended to improve the service you receive.

You may change any of your personally identifiable information by logging into the appropriate section of your account on the Website. We encourage you to promptly update your personally identifiable information if it changes. You can request the deletion of information in your account. However, because we keep track of past transactions, you cannot delete information associated with past transactions on the Website. In addition, it may not be possible for us to delete all of your information because we periodically back up the information. Your card information is not stored on our website, but is placed on a secure page provided and managed by our partner bank. The latter has its own information protection policy, which is outside of our control.

You can always opt out of providing additional information. However, it may be necessary to provide information if you engage in any of the activities on the website.

We take many security measures to protect personally identifiable information. Your personally identifiable information is accessible on our website only if you provide your username and password. This password is encrypted. We recommend that you do not disclose your password to third parties. In addition, your personally identifiable information is stored on a secure server that is accessible only to appropriate personnel and contractors. We do not have any information related to your card and it is not available to us, because your card is under the control of the partner bank. Please note that any data transmission over the Internet or wireless network cannot be absolutely or guaranteed to be secure. We take commercially reasonable security measures to protect data, and we also try to establish relationships only with organizations that take the same approach. However, we do not make any guarantees about the security of the website or information transmitted from the website, and we are not responsible for the actions of any third party who may receive any such information.

By agreeing to this agreement and receiving our services through the website, it is considered that the agreement is concluded in Georgia, specifically in Tbilisi, and in case of a dispute, it will be considered by the city court of Tbilisi, in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.

Nothing in this Agreement shall create a partnership, employment or agency relationship between you and us. This Agreement has no third party beneficiary. You may not assign this Agreement or the rights and obligations granted to you under this Agreement, in whole or in part, to a third party without our prior written permission. Any attempt by you to do so will be void. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then that part of the Agreement will be construed in accordance with applicable law, and the remaining parts will remain in full force and effect.
